lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

The meaning of your name.

¿Sabes el significado de tu nombre y su origen? The schoolmates of 6th nos cuentan algunos, read and learn:

  -NAOMI: my name comes from Greek, it means "charming and sweetness".

-DAVID: from Hebrew, it means "be loved".

-MARIAM: from Hebrew, it's related to The Virgin Mary.

-FÁTIMA: from Arabic, it means "young woman".

-CELIA: from Latin, its meaning is "one of the Seven Roma Caellius' Hills".

-LAURA: it also comes from Latin and it means "bay and victory".

-LUISA: from Latin, this name means "glorious warrior".

sábado, 11 de enero de 2014



¿Sabéis lo que es un cracker? Nuestro compañero Álvaro ha buscado información y así nos lo cuenta:
It is a brightly coloured paper tube, twisted at both ends. There is a" banger" inside. When pulled by two people will create a loud snapping "Crack" or "Bang". Crackers are specially used in Christmas Day. They were invented by Thomas Smith in 1846.
             Un cracker es un caramelo típico del Reino Unido que se come en Navidad. Está hecho de un tubo de papel brillante. Al tirar por los extremos explota y dentro lleva un regalito y un mensaje de afecto.(Álvaro 5º)

Nuestro compañero ha traido un cracker hecho por él para disfrutar en Navidad. La teacher nos ha enseñado uno auténtico pero todos podemos hacer como Álvaro. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!! (Sofía 5º curso)


Dear Father Christmas,

Hugo, Yilin, Carla, Pablo,Álvaro y Nabila han escrito sus cartas a Papá Noel en la clase de English ¿qué pedía cada uno? Podéis averiguarlo vosotros mismos:

 "My name is _______I am ten years old. I'm a good student and for Christmas I want the PS 4"

"My name's________. I live in Cúllar Vega, near from Granada, in Sevilla street. I would like to have a video game called Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Thank you."

"Dear Santa, my name is ______.I live in Granada. For Christmas I ask: Peace in the world. Bye-Bye"

" I'm ______.I'm ten years old and I live in Granada. I've got a brother called Raúl. I'm in 5th grade and I go to San José school. I love speaking English and French. I wish I had a dog."

"Hello Santa, my name is______I'm 10 years old, I want video-games XBOX, a Furby and a trompo."

"I'm_________.I like studying and watching TV. I'm 10 and my birthday is in November. I want a Violetta's Diary and I also like my parents come to Granada. I would like to travel with you. It would be wonderful. Thank you very much"

Jo Jo Jo  ¿has descubierto quién escribió cada carta? It's easy. I hope so.